

Leadership Development

It’s not just simply a question anymore of what makes a leader it’s really about what makes a great leader. 

I think the number one lesson that great leaders need to know is that your team can see right through the BS if you’re not authentic in what you’re trying to achieve which should be a greater for the good outcome.

My leadership development programmes and workshops deliver results.  I know this because I’ve been doing this for over 18 years and I’ve worked within the financial sector, BNZ and National Bank just to name drop a couple; and within government departments and they don’t throw their money around on learning and development programmes that don’t achieve results.

So let’s take a look at what good and great leaders should do;

  • They should inspire us to do, achieve and be our best

Sounds simple but it’s not always the case.

You see when organisations have leaders that inspire others to do their best, who speak passionately about the vision and strategy, or who understand the “why” it’s a pivotal moment.  As leaders what you’re trying to achieve – creating and energising teams to take certain actions –  the success comes down to this; how you do it.

That’s why leadership development which includes learning about:

  • Leadership qualities – core values, our “WHY
  • Team building and resonance
  • Leadership skills – helping move the team towards shared goals and strategies
  • Developing open lines of communication
  • Enhancing a sense of connection and trust
  • Stimulating creativity and decision making capabilities
  • Optimism and confidence is crucial to the success of any organisation.

We’ll start at the beginning and work from where we are now and then explore areas that build on strengths, developing trusting relationships and practicing new pathways and behaviours towards great leadership. 


Because the success of any organisation depends on its people.

To find out more contact me on 027 538 8683 or email me on karen@karenwaitt.co.nz

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