How many times have you walked into a group situation and felt the atmosphere immediately? Was the atmosphere tense – maybe there had been some sort of conflict before you arrived and you can just feel it or perhaps the team had been laughing and connecting about a shared story and straight away you felt a sense of connection and engagement.
The thing about teams is they work and act collectively – so if you have a team feeling good, getting praise and recognition for a job well done, a project is tracking nicely and everyone can feel the energy then the outcome and performance is positive. On the other hand if a team is tense, poised to defend, blame others, make bad decisions, then the group mood is quite obviously negative.
The truth is people who feel good do good. And that is what team building is all about. Helping the whole team share a goal, a vision and a mission and along that journey share their stories, challenges and wins so collectively they can have a positive impact.
When team members practice emotionally intelligent traits such as:
- Self awareness
- Social awareness
- Self management
- Relationship management
There is better communication (always a challenge), greater empathy towards selves and others and therefore the team acts in a more positive and productive way.
My aim is to assist a team to work more effectively together for the greater good and help create high performing teams. Once we understand ourselves better; our own emotional intelligence, we can respond, relate and work alongside each other better as a higher performing team.
As virtual teams become the norm, now more than ever teams need to understand and be clear on values and norms so they can self manage, feel included and when a new team member arrives on the scene they can immediately connect with the group and operate from the same mind set. At the end of the day the team’s self management is everyone’s responsibility, not just the “bosses” or the leader and when you’re aiming high and you want to achieve those goals then good team building skills and behaviours need to become everyday actions and habits.
If you’re interested in my team building workshops get in touch today for more information.